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Enabling Addiction

Drugs in the Workplace: Bad for Business

By |2023-06-23T14:12:03-04:00September 20th, 2013|Drug and Alcohol Addiction|

Michelle didn’t seem to take her job too seriously; she was usually 5-10 minutes late, took an excessive amount of breaks and often called in sick, all without remorse. However, she was clearly one of the best saleswomen in the region. Her convivial way with shoppers carried over to managers, to whom she promised she [...]

Consequences: A Critical Tool in Addiction Treatment

By |2024-06-06T16:27:22-04:00July 10th, 2013|Articles, Clinician Resource, Family Resource|

When we acknowledge that addiction is a brain disease it becomes easier to understand that there is a battle going on inside the addict’s head.  They hear the “voice of the disease” saying that they need drugs and alcohol to cope with life, or they really don’t have a serious problem, or what they do [...]

8 Keys to Overcoming Addiction: #5 is to Stop Enabling Addiction

By |2024-08-05T14:02:20-04:00January 31st, 2013|Articles|

The people who love and care for those with addictions are constantly placed in the difficult position of deciding how to act. Do you challenge the alcoholic or addict to get help? Do you refuse to help them until they decide to seek treatment? Do you withdraw assistance (money, housing, car, etc.) until they take the [...]