St. Joseph Rehab for Drug & Alcohol Addictions is located in Port Matilda, PA, between Altoona and State College in central Pennsylvania.

Our Location:
134 Jacobs Way Port Matilda, PA 16870

PLEASE NOTE: When using online mapping tools or a GPS, enter the destination address as 134 Jacobs Way, Port Matilda, PA 16870. If your mapping tool does not have Jacobs Way, enter South Mountain Road, Port Matilda, PA 16870. If you are still having trouble, feel free to call us at (888) 352-3297 for assistance.

From State College (25 minutes): Follow Route 322/I-99 South toward Altoona. Take exit 52 marked “Bald Eagle.” You will come to a traffic light with a “Snappy’s” convenience store on your right. Travel straight ahead on Route 350 North toward Philipsburg for two miles. Turn right onto South Mountain Road and follow the signs to St. Joseph Institute.

From Altoona and I-99 (25 minutes): Take exit 52 marked “Bald Eagle.” You will come to a traffic light with a “Snappy’s” convenience store on your right. Travel straight ahead on Route 350 North toward Philipsburg for two miles. Turn right onto South Mountain Road and follow the signs to St. Joseph Institute.

From Pittsburgh (2.2 hours): Take Route 22 East until it meets Route 220/I-99. Proceed North past Altoona and Tyrone. Take exit 52 marked “Bald Eagle.” You will come to a traffic light with a “Snappy’s” convenience store on your right. Travel straight ahead on Route 350 North toward Philipsburg for two miles. Turn right onto South Mountain Road and follow the signs to St. Joseph Institute.

From Harrisburg (1.5 hours): Take Route 322/22 West to State College and continue on Route 322 / I-99 South toward Altoona. Take exit 52 marked “Bald Eagle.” You will come to a traffic light with a “Snappy’s” convenience store on your right. Travel straight ahead on Route 350 North toward Philipsburg for two miles. Turn right onto South Mountain Road and follow the signs to St. Joseph Institute.

From Washington & Baltimore (3 hours): Take I-70 West to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Follow 1-70/I-76 West one exit to Bedford (Exit 146). Travel north on Route 220/I-99 toward Altoona. Proceed north past Altoona and Tyrone. Take exit 52 marked “Bald Eagle.” You will come to a traffic light with a “Snappy’s” convenience store on your right. Travel straight ahead on Route 350 North toward Philipsburg for two miles. Turn right onto South Mountain Road and follow the signs to St. Joseph Institute.

From I-80 East (Northern PA, Cleveland): Take I-80 to Exit 123 Woodland/Philipsburg. Turn right on PA 970 South for 1.4 miles and then left on US-322 that goes to Philipsburg. In Philipsburg, follow signs for Route 350 South toward Tyrone. Ten miles past Philipsburg, after coming down the mountain, South Mountain Road will be on the left. Turn onto South Mountain Road and follow the St. Joseph Institute signs.

From I-80 West (New York, Scranton, Boston): Take I-80 to Exit 161. Travel south on I-99/220 toward State College. Continue south when the highway becomes Route 322 / I-99 South toward Altoona. Take exit 52 marked “Bald Eagle.” You will come to a traffic light with a “Snappy’s” convenience store on your right. Travel straight ahead on Route 350 North toward Philipsburg for two miles. Turn right onto South Mountain Road and follow the signs to St. Joseph Institute.