Since opening in May of 2005, St. Joseph Institute has been treating addiction for people throughout the United States and from many other countries. These are some of their comments:
“It is a wonderful facility that provides life changing experiences with dignity, direction and help. I highly recommend it for those serious about recovery.”
“I got the miracle I’ve been praying for! Unbelievable. It’s not like we got our ‘old Jennifer’ back…this is a new person…”
“This place is 10 years ahead of its time. Everyone here is so friendly and helpful. I can’t say enough good things about the Institute — it has saved my life and it is a gift from God that I was brought here.”
“St. Joseph’s did more for me than you’ll ever imagine. It’s nice to be happy again, it’s nice to get 7/8 hours of sleep without resorting to medication. I haven’t felt this good in 15 years, and my wife and I are finally where we should be after 30 years of marriage.”
“St. Joseph’s is the greatest experience of my life. If you go there with an open mind, there is no better place! The staff is amazing.”
“I am very proud to say that today is my 1 year anniversary of sobriety. I could not have gotten this far without St. Joseph Institute. You gave me comfort during my entire 30 days and helped me see that change is possible. Thank you for helping save my life.”

“The hospitality of the staff is above and beyond, letting you know that you will be truly cared about…”
“God bless you all for the blessing and answer to prayer you have been for me, and my husband, and my daughter.”
“The beauty of the facility brought an immediate feeling of peace…the lodges, the grounds, the library, the chapel are all so awesome. I felt so welcomed, everyone was friendly, yet very professional.”
“It is run by the most caring people I have ever met. I would recommend St. Joseph Institute to anyone serious about recovery.”
“If you are looking for help St. Joseph Institute is a fantastic place to go. They do not just get you sober; they help you improve all aspects of your life. They will also give you all the knowledge and tools to be successful in your recovery.”
“I feel safe and secure for the first time in years. I now understand how the body, mind and spirit work together…the pressure in my head and the nasty, never-ending pain is gone.”