The objective of our residential treatment center is to introduce residents to the benefits of participating in 12-step programs for alcohol addiction & drug abuse support such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Twelve-step programs have long been an important source of alcohol & drug abuse support and have helped millions of people maintain their sobriety. These programs provide simple “tools for living” based on a set of principles and a reliance on the fellowship generated by people who share the same experiences.
Twelve-step groups assume an active role in the process of recovery and, in so doing, address three dimensions of the human person: physical, mental and spiritual. The process begins in the first step as participants identify themselves as an alcoholic or an addict. The ultimate goal in completing the 12-Steps is to replace a self-centered mentality with key elements for a successful recovery.
Residents at St. Joseph Institute will learn the benefits of “working the steps” and attend both AA and NA meetings for alcohol & drug abuse support. In this way they will be able to determine the role that this program should assume in their personal recovery plan.

Key Elements of 12-Step Programs:
- Mutual help and mutual support are available to assist people in meeting common goals and preventing relapse.
- There is security in knowing that alcohol & drug abuse support is available everywhere and anytime people feel temptation.
- Those who attend meetings will get help in learning to accept personal responsibility – a lesson that can be difficult.
- Fellowship is an essential part of the program function.