Nitazene: What You Need to Know
In 2023, the Boulder County community of Colorado recorded two unique opioid-related deaths. Upon further investigation, officials found that the victims had consumed a newly modified, powerful synthetic opioid called nitazene. Because the type of nitazene currently on the market [...]
The First Signs of a Meth Addiction
Methamphetamine, known more commonly as meth, is a popular stimulant that targets the central nervous system. Over 2.5 million people use the substance and over half of those have methamphetamine use disorder. The stimulant has several forms and goes by [...]
How Heroin Addiction Develops
Heroin is highly addictive and can lead to physiological dependence within days of repeated use. Dependence can lead to addiction when the person finds that they cannot stop using heroin despite negative consequences. In 2018, a study showed that around [...]
The Most Commonly Abused Drugs in Pennsylvania
It’s interesting but unsurprising to note that drug abuse is largely concentrated in Pennsylvania’s most populated major city: Philadelphia. Chances of finding illicit drugs, using them, and abusing them are more prevalent in Philly than anywhere else in the state. [...]
How Cocaine Addiction Develops
Stephen King famously struggled with cocaine addiction—even at his most productive and lucrative career points. One of his entertaining debut films, Overdrive, is a great example of the brain on cocaine: fast, hyped up, and disjointed. Although King quit using [...]
Let These Beautiful PA Hiking Spots Support Your Sobriety
When you enter St. Joseph Institute’s treatment program to recover from a substance use disorder (SUD), you’re called to make radical changes that prioritize your well-being. One of the ways you might begin to care for yourself is by taking [...]
Exploring The Victim Mentality and How It Hurts Recovery
Think about the last time you found yourself or a loved one asserting any of the following statements: That’s not my fault/I’m not responsible for that I can’t do anything about this Everything fails anyway, so there’s no hope in [...]
What St. Joseph Institute Can Offer to Veterans
Our nation’s Veterans, active military members, and their loved ones protect us and the land we live on. This is no small feat. The weight of responsibility that comes with being a protector is often overwhelming and has the potential [...]
How a Digital Detox Can Benefit Your Mental Health
If you're glued to your smartphone or laptop for much of your day, you're not alone. A recent study revealed that people ages 16 to 64 spend an eye-popping 6 hours and 37 minutes per day on their devices. Since [...]
What Should I Do if My Loved One Refuses to Acknowledge Their Addiction?
Watching a parent, child, friend, or other loved one struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction is like standing at the edge of a turbulent ocean. The ebb and flow of their battles mirrors the relentless push and pull of [...]