Here at St. Joseph Institute, we often hear intense substance use stories. But not all of them are sad. Some stories are funny and provide helpful tips for navigating legal substance use for people in Port Matilda, Wexford, and beyond. This particular story involves a beloved grandmother, THC gummies, and a guide for understanding the adverse side effects of edible THC products.  

Many users—even experienced ones—misjudge the strength of medically prescribed THC edibles. A lack of consistent labeling, unfamiliarity with dosages, and unpredictable potency make edibles easy to overdo. Stories like the one we’re about to tell might help you anticipate the negative effects of legally prescribed THC products. 

But remember: marijuana can also be addictive. If you or a loved one’s THC use gets out of control and substance abuse develops, St. Joseph has the facilities, expertise, and resources to counsel and treat marijuana addiction in you or a loved one. Contact us today with questions and keep reading to learn more. 

Grandma and the Gummy Ghost

One of St. Joseph Institute’s staff writers has a beloved grandmother. This grandmother is a star sugar cookie baker, a generous soul who’d give the shirt off her back to anyone in need at bingo night. Unfortunately, she suffers from acute arthritis pain and chronic insomnia. Her doctor prescribed her medical marijuana gummies to add to her nightly routine to ease her pain and upgrade her rest.  

She followed her doctor’s instructions, taking one gummy about thirty minutes before bedtime. Fifteen minutes after taking the gummy, she didn’t notice any change in pain or alertness. So she decided to take another, not realizing that some edibles take hours to kick in. After the second gummy, she felt more relaxed and her knee, the area her arthritis affects most, felt soothed. 

Then, while lying in bed, the grandmother suddenly became anxious. She swore she could hear whispers in her empty home—a low voice calling out incomprehensible words from the shadows of her closet. Overcome with paranoia and panic, the grandmother called her granddaughter and explained the situation, mentioning the edibles before bed. 

“Grandma, I think you’ve got a gummy ghost!”

The staff writer knew immediately that her grandmother was experiencing an adverse side effect of the THC product she had taken for pain and insomnia. Explaining to her that paranoia and even hallucinations can be a common side effect, her grandmother was able to fall asleep. The next day, she had a conversation with her general practitioner. Together, they explored other treatment options for her pain and sleeplessness. 

What follows is a lesson in THC, its side effects, and why everyone can benefit from a little guidance in navigating tricky edible terrain.

What Are THC Gummies Anyway?

To envision a THC gummy, picture chewable vitamins or gummy bears with the power to put you to sleep. The sleepy effect comes from THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), the active, intoxicating ingredient in cannabis. When infused into gummies, brownies, or other edible treats, THC can pack quite a paranoid punch—even when legally prescribed. Unlike smoking cannabis, edibles can take longer to kick in but have effects that linger for hours. This delay is a common culprit for people consuming too much, as they often assume the gummy isn’t working and take another. 

Doubling up on doses compounds the substance’s power, making the effects hit hard and without much warning. Besides delayed onset, here are some of the other most common adverse effects of THC gummies:

Once ingested, THC interacts with the brain’s hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex, which can make auditory and visual hallucinations or paranoia more likely. Grandma’s “gummy ghost” was likely a vivid, unintended side effect of THC’s ability to alter mood, perception, and even information processing. 

Why THC Gummies Aren’t Always Sweet

It’s not just Grandma who’s at risk. Many people who use THC edibles, both with and without their doctor’s approval, underestimate the product’s potency. Others are unfamiliar with the potential negative side effects, mistaking them for indicators of more serious conditions. This may be one reason why your chances of visiting the ER after eating edibles increase

Edibles simply account for a disproportionate number of cannabis-related emergencies and unwanted side effects. This is why you should keep the following tips in mind if you’re going to use them:

  • Only ingest edible THC products if prescribed by your doctor.
  • Follow instructions for taking your prescribed THC product exactly as your doctor or pharmacist specifies.
  • Speak with your doctor as soon as possible if you experience adverse side effects. 
  • Speak with your provider or a St. Joseph staff member if you’re near Port Matilda or Wexford and suspect you’ve developed a dependence on your edible THC products.

Seek Help For Marijuana Abuse in Pennsylvania When Necessary

After her ghostly encounter, Grandma decided to stop using gummies. She now relies on other physician-guided treatments for her pain and sleep issues—no more gummy ghosts haunting her closet. Her story is a reminder that even well-meaning attempts to feel better can lead to unintended consequences

If you or someone you love is struggling with cannabis use or other substances, don’t wait for a ghost to intervene. St. Joseph Institute is here to help. We specialize in teaching you about the risks of cannabis use and addressing potential addiction or misuse. Our holistic addiction treatment approach includes everything from one-on-one counseling to family programs and ongoing support, making sure you get exactly what you need to thrive in recovery. 

Whether you’re curious, concerned, or ready to take action about your marijuana abuse, our team offers compassionate, expert care to guide you toward a healthier, THC-free future.