St. Joseph Institute for Addiction logo with daisies

2017 Alumni Reunion is Saturday, May 27!

We’re excited to announce plans for our upcoming alumni reunion.

Alumni are invited to bring one guest (adults only) for dinner, fellowship, and a bonfire. If you’re musically inclined, bring an instrument to join in the live music.

Come on out for some good, clean, sober fun and reflect on your journey of recovery!

Schedule of Events

2:30-3:00pm: Alumni and guest sign-in at gate

3:00-4:00pm: Meet and Greet In Appalachian

4:15-5:00pm: Clean Time Countdown of alumni and current residents in Appalachian

5:15-6:15pm: Dinner and mingle time in Bald Eagle

6:30-7:30pm: Campfire NA meeting at Fire Pit (Guest speaker: Travis from Lewistown)

7:30-8:30pm: Bonfire and live music with s’mores and hot chocolate

8:30-8:45pm: Alumni and guest sign-out at gate

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