Virtual Telehealth Program at St. Joseph Institute:
Your Journey to Recovery
Virtual Telehealth Program at St. Joseph Institute: Your Journey to Recovery

The Virtual Telehealth Program at St. Joseph Institute offers a comprehensive solution for individuals grappling with substance abuse and mental health issues. Rooted in the understanding and healing of trauma, this program acknowledges the deep connection between traumatic experiences and challenges related to addiction and mental well-being.

Virtual Telehealth Program Highlights:

  1. Trauma-Informed Care: Recognizing the significant role of trauma, the program employs a trauma-informed care approach, which creates a safe, respectful, and collaborative environment.
  2. Variety of Sessions: Over several weeks, participants engage in diverse sessions that cover a range of topics. These include understanding trauma and substance use, building coping strategies, learning about mental health, and more.
  3. Emphasis on Individual Growth: The program focuses on promoting self-awareness, emotional regulation, resilience, and long-term recovery strategies. Participants are encouraged to progress at their own pace, ensuring that the journey to recovery is tailored to everyone’s unique needs and goals.
  4. Dedicated Professional Team: A team of committed professionals, led by Ken Johnson MSW, Director of Outpatient Services, provides continuous support and guidance.
  5. Guidelines for Telehealth Conduct: To ensure a positive and productive experience for all involved, participants are provided with a clear set of rules and expectations for their conduct during telehealth sessions.
  6. Empowerment and Support: The goal of the program is to empower participants toward a healthier, happier life by providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support.

Contact Information:

Phone:888-991-5390, Email:

This carefully curated program recognizes the individualized nature of the recovery journey and provides a virtual platform for healing and growth. Through a compassionate and understanding approach, St. Joseph Institute’s Virtual Telehealth Program sets participants on a path toward lasting recovery.

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(814) 228-8881
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