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Tramadol May Not Be the Most Powerful Opioid, But This Painkiller Can Still Be Addictive

Tramadol is often prescribed for patients suffering from moderate to severe pain because it is less addictive than other types of opioid painkillers. However, it's important to understand that this drug still carries a very real risk of abuse and [...]

By |June 17th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug Addiction, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|Comments Off on Tramadol May Not Be the Most Powerful Opioid, But This Painkiller Can Still Be Addictive

What You Need to Know About Ambien Addiction

Insomnia Insomnia is one of the most common health complaints among American adults, affecting between 30 and 50 percent of people at some point during their lives. It can be caused by a wide range of factors, including chronic pain, [...]

By |June 12th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|Comments Off on What You Need to Know About Ambien Addiction

5 Myths About Suboxone

Opioid addictions can have devastating consequences—ranging from job loss, divorce, or arrest to a fatal overdose. Medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone helps people with opioid use disorders build the foundation for a lasting recovery, but it's often misunderstood. Suboxone Myths To [...]

By |May 20th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|Comments Off on 5 Myths About Suboxone

Overcoming Feelings of Guilt and Shame in Recovery

Feelings of guilt and shame are common in the early stages of recovery, but moving forward requires you to find a way to process your emotions so you're no longer living in the past. Constantly thinking about past mistakes—regardless of [...]

By |May 6th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Healthy Living|Comments Off on Overcoming Feelings of Guilt and Shame in Recovery

Getting Help for a Loved One with a Crystal Meth Addiction

Known on the street as ice or crank, crystal meth is a highly addictive stimulant that causes users to feel energetic, euphoric, and invincible. The meth epidemic gets less public attention than the opioid epidemic, but it's impossible to overstate [...]

By |April 26th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug Addiction|Comments Off on Getting Help for a Loved One with a Crystal Meth Addiction

Ecstasy May Look Like Candy, But It’s Far from Sweet

Ecstasy tablets often look like candy, but they're definitely not a harmless treat. These brightly colored tablets are frequently decorated with imprints of cartoon characters or product logos and sold on stretchy candy necklaces to be worn at raves or [...]

By |March 28th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Family Resource|Comments Off on Ecstasy May Look Like Candy, But It’s Far from Sweet

Young People Often Don’t Understand the Risks Associated with Club Drugs

The term club drugs is often used to refer to drugs that are primarily used at nightclubs, concerts, bars, parties, and raves. LSD, GHB, Rohypnol, ketamine, ecstasy (MDMA), and methamphetamine are some examples of common club drugs. Club Drug Dangers [...]

By |March 18th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Family Resource|Comments Off on Young People Often Don’t Understand the Risks Associated with Club Drugs

Getting Help for a Loved One Who Is Addicted to Cocaine

Cocaine is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant made from the coca plant that is native to South America. It is most often sold as a fine white powder that is snorted into the nose, rubbed into the gums, or [...]

By |March 2nd, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug Addiction|Comments Off on Getting Help for a Loved One Who Is Addicted to Cocaine

What to Do When Your Adult Child Struggles with Addiction

Parenting, Addiction, and Recovery Parenting is never easy—especially when you know your child is suffering. If your adult child has a drug or alcohol problem, you may feel powerless to help and afraid of what the future will hold. At [...]

By |February 15th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Family Resource|Comments Off on What to Do When Your Adult Child Struggles with Addiction