By |Published On: December 24th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|

new year, woman, glitter, confetti, celebrate, sober, happy, recovery journeyThe ringing in of a new year can bring with it many new hopes and dreams. However, if you are someone living with the burden of drug or alcohol addiction, those hopes and dreams may feel far away. You might realize that your life is not going as planned but feel unsure of what steps to take next. Fortunately, the dawn of a new year is the perfect time to get started on your recovery journey. You deserve the chance to live a happy and productive life free from the burden of substance abuse.

Understanding Substance Use Disorders

In the medical community, an addiction to drugs or alcohol is referred to as a substance use disorder. Common signs of a substance use disorder include:

  • Using more of a substance than intended or using for longer periods of time than intended. A person with a substance use disorder may progress from using at parties with friends on the weekends to using drugs and alcohol at home alone nearly every day of the week.
  • Being unable to reduce or quit using. A person with a substance use disorder will have intense cravings and feel unable to reduce or quit using the abused substance.
  • Spending a lot of time on activities related to the use. A person with a substance use disorder will dedicate considerable time and energy to activities related to the substance abuse and ignore their previous hobbies or special interests.
  • Neglecting important aspects of life. A person with a substance use disorder may neglect work, school, and other important parts of their life due to their addiction.
  • Continuing to use despite negative consequences. A person with a substance use disorder will continue using even though they’ve lost their job, been arrested, ended relationships with loved ones, or experienced other serious consequences related to their drug or alcohol use.
  • Becoming angry or defensive when others express concern about your behavior. A person with a substance use disorder will often try to justify their actions by claiming their loved one is being irrational or overreacting.

For those who are suffering from a substance use disorder, seeking treatment sooner rather than later is key. Addiction does not go away on its own. It is a chronic, progressive illness that only gets worse over time as you become more dependent on the substance for functioning. Early intervention is key in preventing long-term negative effects on your health and well-being.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment Now

Seeking treatment now will give you the best possible opportunity for a successful recovery from addiction. Treatment can provide:

  • Reinforcements that encourage positive behaviors. These behaviors can include things like attending counseling or therapy, going to recovery meetings, or engaging in activities that help you stay sober.
  • Education about how to cope with triggers and cravings. Treatment programs teach you how to recognize your triggers and cravings, how to avoid them or cope with them, and how to practice self-care to take care of your mental and physical health.
  • Support from a community of people who are also in recovery. Recovery meetings, therapy, and group counseling all provide a safe space for you to connect with others who are going through similar struggles.
  • Techniques to improve communication skills. Treatment can help you to identify and express emotions in healthy ways while you work on developing better communication skills.
  • Individualized treatment plans from mental health professionals. Treatment plans can be tailored to meet your individual needs and help you address any underlying issues that may have contributed to the development of your substance use disorder.
  • Resources to lower the risk of relapse. Treatment helps you transition back to independent living in a way that reduces your risk of relapse by providing access to alumni programs, ongoing counseling support, and other resources needed for long-term sobriety.

How to Get the Help You Need for this Journey

Seeking professional support is essential for a successful recovery. At St. Joseph Institute for Addiction, we offer comprehensive inpatient programs providing around-the-clock care and support from trained professionals who understand addiction recovery. Highlights of our Pennsylvania residential addiction treatment program include:

  • Recovery education that focuses on ongoing sobriety while addressing factors such as chronic pain that may have contributed to the development of a substance use disorder
  • Mental health care that addresses methods of emotion regulation and healthy emotional expression, as well as the treatment for co-occurring conditions such as anxiety or depression
  • Holistic modalities such as yoga and weekly Tai chi classes led by a licensed therapist
  • Faith-based and non-denominational care that encourages you to develop a strong relationship with God

We are in-network with many major insurance providers and offer a convenient online insurance verification form that can help you understand what copays and deductibles may apply to your situation. For self-pay patients, we offer affordable financing options.

Don’t let another year go by without getting the help you need to make the most of each day. Let 2023 be the year when you make a positive change in your life by investing in yourself and seeking recovery from addiction.

Looking for addiction treatment near Altoona, PA? To learn more about SJI Pennsylvania addiction rehab, and our programs, please contact us at (814) 228-8881.