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Is Excessive Drinking Taking Years Off Your Life?

Our culture conditions us to see drinking as a perfectly normal way to spend time with family and friends. Unfortunately, there is growing evidence that excessive alcohol consumption may actually be robbing us of precious years with our loved ones. [...]

By |November 18th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|Comments Off on Is Excessive Drinking Taking Years Off Your Life?

How to Deal With Survivor’s Guilt After an Addiction Overdose

It's not uncommon to feel guilty after surviving an addiction overdose. Whether it was a close call, or you were quickly revived with naloxone and promptly taken to the nearest emergency room, the guilt can be overwhelming—especially when you've lost [...]

By |November 16th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|Comments Off on How to Deal With Survivor’s Guilt After an Addiction Overdose

Prescription Painkiller Use as a Risk Factor for Heroin Addiction

When a doctor prescribes medication, it's only natural to assume that this is a safe and effective way to treat your condition. However, if you're being prescribed prescription painkillers for moderate to severe pain, you should be aware that opioid [...]

By |November 7th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Drug Addiction, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|Comments Off on Prescription Painkiller Use as a Risk Factor for Heroin Addiction

How to Avoid a Relapse After Treatment for a Substance Use Disorder: 4 Key Tips for People in Recovery

Substance use disorders are considered chronic illnesses, which means that relapse will always be a possibility. However, certain preventative measures can help reduce your risk of relapse as you transition from residential treatment back to independent living. 1. Understand Your [...]

By |October 26th, 2022|Categories: Addiction Recovery, Articles, Recovery|Comments Off on How to Avoid a Relapse After Treatment for a Substance Use Disorder: 4 Key Tips for People in Recovery

Are You Supporting or Enabling? Here’s How to Tell the Difference

Enabling is often unintentional—and generally comes from a place of love. You hate to see your loved one suffer and want to make their life more manageable, but your actions cause more harm on a long-term basis. Some signs that [...]

By |October 14th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Family Resource|Comments Off on Are You Supporting or Enabling? Here’s How to Tell the Difference

The Power of God’s Forgiveness in Recovery

A lasting recovery requires more than simply resolving to abstain from drugs and alcohol. You must work to heal your mind, body, and spirit so that you're no longer turning to addictive substances for comfort. Seeking God's forgiveness is part [...]

By |September 23rd, 2022|Categories: Articles, Recovery|Comments Off on The Power of God’s Forgiveness in Recovery

Denial and Addiction: How to Help Your Loved One Acknowledge the Need for Treatment

Denial can be a powerful coping mechanism when accepting reality seems too painful. Because addiction is often stigmatized, it's common for people with substance use disorders to be in denial about their condition. However, acknowledging the problem and being brave [...]

By |September 16th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Family Resource|Comments Off on Denial and Addiction: How to Help Your Loved One Acknowledge the Need for Treatment

Tips for Making Friends in Recovery

Recovery is a time of new beginnings. For many people, that includes reevaluating old friendships and cutting ties with anyone who isn't supportive of their newfound sobriety. Ending toxic relationships can be painful, but you're not destined to be alone [...]

By |September 9th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Family Resource, Healthy Living|Comments Off on Tips for Making Friends in Recovery

5 Tips for a Smooth Transition from Residential Addiction Treatment to Independent Living

Graduating from residential treatment is an important milestone in your recovery journey. As you prepare to return to independent living, you'll need to work on putting the skills you learned in residential treatment to work in the real world. Here, [...]

By |August 26th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Family Resource, Recovery|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 5 Tips for a Smooth Transition from Residential Addiction Treatment to Independent Living