Breaking Up with Your Sponsor: What to Do When the Relationship Isn’t Working
In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-Step programs, a sponsor is someone who serves as a voice of reason in your recovery journey. They are established with their own sobriety and have agreed to support your efforts to work the [...]
PA Businesses That Hire Employees in Addiction Recovery
Not only is employment post-recovery necessary for most of the 850,000+ individuals living in addiction recovery in Pennsylvania, but it’s also a huge indicator of success in long-term sobriety. The benefits of being hired and working after achieving sobriety aren’t [...]
Using Affirmations to Support Your Recovery
Success in recovery requires replacing unhelpful, inaccurate, and self-destructive thoughts with ones supporting your long-term wellness goals. One way to do this is to incorporate affirmations into your daily self-care routine. What Are Affirmations? Affirmations are statements or declarations created [...]
Staying Sober When Your Friends Still Drink
Part of the reason why it's so hard for people with alcohol use disorders to manage their condition is that the idea of drinking is deeply embedded in our culture. Movies and TV shows show characters having fun by depicting [...]
Understanding the Role of Spirituality in Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the best-known self-help program for men and women struggling with alcohol abuse. However, many people have questions about the role that spirituality and religion play in the program. AA Is Spiritual, Not Religious The founders of [...]
How are you celebrating your soberversary?
How are you celebrating your soberversary? A soberversary is a commemorative event celebrating the anniversary of your sobriety. You can think of it as your sober “birthday” to mark the growth of the new person you’re becoming now that your [...]
I Can Buy Myself Flowers: Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
In her new hit single "Flowers," Miley Cyrus advocates for self-care as a way to heal from a bad breakup. I can buy myself flowers Write my name in the sand Talk to myself for hours Say things you don't [...]
Anger Management Tips for People in Recovery
HALT: Anger Management Over time, unchecked anger takes a toll on your mind and body. It can lead to a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms—including teeth grinding, headaches, anxiety, muscle tension, and trouble sleeping. If you've ever heard the HALT [...]
Promote Lasting Sobriety by Spending Time in Nature
Did you know that experts believe most Americans spend about 90 percent of their day indoors? Our modern lifestyles often don't provide many opportunities to naturally spend time outside, which means we need to make a conscious effort to head [...]
Why Are 12-Step Programs So Popular?
For individuals struggling with substance use disorders, 12-Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous often play a vital role in the recovery progress. Taking the time to understand the benefits of a 12-Step approach can help you decide [...]