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What St. Joseph Institute Can Offer to Veterans

Our nation’s Veterans, active military members, and their loved ones protect us and the land we live on. This is no small feat. The weight of responsibility that comes with being a protector is often overwhelming and has the potential [...]

By |April 12th, 2024|Categories: Addiction, Articles, PTSD|Comments Off on What St. Joseph Institute Can Offer to Veterans

How Parenting Styles Connect to Substance Use Disorder

Emotionally immature parents can affect their children’s development in ways that may make them more prone to substance use disorders as adults. What does it mean to be emotionally immature?  We know what it means to mature biologically. If we [...]

By |April 4th, 2024|Categories: Addiction Recovery, Articles, Family Resource|Comments Off on How Parenting Styles Connect to Substance Use Disorder

Leading Signs of Depression in Men

Depression. It can feel like a 50-pound dumbbell on your chest every minute of every day. It might look like Alzheimer’s, forgetting appointments or chores or even cherished memories. Perhaps it manifests in a sudden onslaught of narcissistic feelings, extreme [...]

By |March 27th, 2024|Categories: Articles, Depression|Comments Off on Leading Signs of Depression in Men

Overcoming Stigma and Seeking Help for Mental Health Concerns

The term stigma is used to refer to unfairly negative attitudes or beliefs that result in prejudice and discrimination. With regard to mental health disorders, stigma involves the idea that such illnesses are shameful, embarrassing, and weak. This can cause [...]

By |March 22nd, 2024|Categories: Articles, Co-occurring & Dual Diagnosis, Mental Health, Therapy|Comments Off on Overcoming Stigma and Seeking Help for Mental Health Concerns

Why Successful Recovery is A Group Effort

If we zoom as far out as possible from our loved one’s substance use disorder (SUD), we see that its effects ripple into larger social systems.  We see that the person struggling with addiction is taking the brunt of the [...]

By |March 5th, 2024|Categories: Addiction Recovery, Articles, Family Resource|Comments Off on Why Successful Recovery is A Group Effort

The Myth of The Addictive Personality

When people throw around the term addictive personality, they’re often referring to what they see as a tendency to abuse substances or fixate on certain risky activities or adrenaline-seeking behaviors. The phase can be used jokingly, as an insult, or [...]

By |March 1st, 2024|Categories: Articles, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Myth of The Addictive Personality

Why Successful Recovery is A Group Effort

If we zoom as far out as possible from our loved one’s substance use disorder (SUD), we see that its effects ripple into larger social systems.  We see that the person struggling with addiction is taking the brunt of the [...]

By |February 23rd, 2024|Categories: Addiction Recovery, Articles|Comments Off on Why Successful Recovery is A Group Effort

Let It Go: 6 Important Benefits of Forgiveness

At St. Joseph Institute for Addiction, we've found that a lasting recovery is about more than simply abstaining from the use of drugs and alcohol. Clients at our Pennsylvania residential addiction treatment center make peace with their past and learn [...]

By |February 16th, 2024|Categories: Articles, Mental Health, Recovery|Comments Off on Let It Go: 6 Important Benefits of Forgiveness

Shower Affirmations: An Awesome Mindfulness Technique

What are Affirmations, and How Do They Work? Affirmations are concise, positive phrases about your life that you repeat regularly. The idea is that with repetition, your brain starts to believe and accept the affirmations as true--causing you to feel [...]

By |February 13th, 2024|Categories: Articles, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shower Affirmations: An Awesome Mindfulness Technique

Why Smoking Weed and Driving is Dangerous

While fatal car accidents involving marijuana consumption in the United States have nearly doubled in the past 20 years, smoking weed and driving is still less likely to result in fatal collisions than drunk driving. However, the danger that weed [...]

By |February 6th, 2024|Categories: Articles, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why Smoking Weed and Driving is Dangerous