Choosing a Treatment Program to Start Your Recovery Journey

By |Published On: January 22nd, 2019|Categories: Articles, Drug and Alcohol Addiction|

man making a decisionA quality substance abuse treatment program can help you start your journey to sobriety on the right track.

As you’re researching your options, remember that there are four key factors a program should provide to set you up for success: performing a detailed assessment of your needs, taking an evidence-based approach to treatment, addressing the underlying causes of addiction, and offering relapse prevention and aftercare services.

Performing a Detailed Assessment

No two people with a substance abuse disorder are exactly alike, which means that there is no one-size-fits-all treatment approach. To be successful, a rehab program must begin with a detailed personal assessment.

As a member of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, St. Joseph Institute for Addiction begins the treatment process with an intake procedure that includes the following elements:

  • Counseling assessment: Looking at current lifestyle and historical behavior patterns provides insight into areas that should be addressed to promote sobriety.
  • Medical evaluation: A medical evaluation measures vital signs and looks at any health conditions that need to be considered during the treatment process, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or liver disease.
  • Physical therapy assessment: For individuals with chronic pain, a physical therapy assessment looks at the type and severity of pain as well as how the pain affects substance abuse patterns and overall wellness.
  • Fitness assessment: Past exercise history, cardiovascular testing, range of motion, and types of preferred physical activity are considered to create a wellness-focused exercise plan.

Taking an Evidence-Based Approach to Recovery

An evidence-based approach to recovery means that treatment methods have been proven to be safe and effective. Choosing a facility that uses evidence-based methods is particularly important if you are seeking treatment for addiction to alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines, since detoxing from these substances can be dangerous if it’s not done correctly. Evidence-based treatment is crucial if you’ve experienced a relapse in the past, since relapsing after detox can increase your risk of a fatal overdose.

St. Joseph Institute offers detox services supervised by an experienced medical team and a director who is Board Certified in Addiction Medicine. A combination of medications and natural treatments combined with 24/7 access to clinical staff helps ensure a safe and effective experience.

Detox is followed by individual and family/marital counseling, group discussions, recovery education, and lifestyle coaching. Clients develop a better understanding of the disease of addiction and learn how to proactively manage their condition.

Evidence-based care also means avoiding actions that label addiction as a character flaw or a problem caused by a simple lack of willpower. Addiction stigmas can cause deep psychological harm and prevent those in need from seeking treatment. St. Joseph Institute’s dedicated and compassionate staff remain focused on healing rather than casting judgement or condemning those who need help.

Addressing the Underlying Causes of Addiction

Instead of focusing on simply telling clients not to use drugs and alcohol, a quality treatment program must address the underlying factors that influence addictive behaviors. This might include past trauma, a family history of addiction, or poor social relationships.

Addressing the underlying factors contributing to substance abuse may also include providing treatment for co-occurring mental health conditions. Individuals with anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental health disorders often use substance abuse to self-medicate their condition. Providing proper treatment thus reduces the risk of relapse.

St. Joseph’s program is based on the idea that sobriety involves more than simply abstaining from drugs and alcohol. For a true recovery, a person needs to build the skills necessary to:

St. Joseph Institute believes wellness involves healing the mind, body, and spirit. Clients are encouraged to explore a variety of ways to promote whole person wellness, including exploring their spirituality. St. Joseph Institute provides a faith-based and non-denominational program that encourages the healing of spiritual wounds and the development of a deeper relationship with God.

Offering Relapse Prevention and Aftercare

Addiction is a chronic illness, which means a reputable rehab program won’t pronounce you “cured” after completing detox and a short stay in residential treatment. Accredited drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers must provide services that address aftercare needs and work to minimize the risk of relapse.

At St. Joseph Institute for Addiction, clients have access to ongoing counseling and support as they make the transition to independent living.

Clients who have graduated from residential treatment also have the option of attending various alumni gatherings and social retreats throughout the year. These events promote a connection to a larger recovery community by allowing individuals to learn from the experiences of their peers as they expand their social circle and sober support network.

To learn more about SJI Pennsylvania residential addiction rehab, and our programs, please contact us at (814) 228-8881.